Sunday 25 March 2012


Just a few dinners from this past week.

I made Beef Stroganoff  - with this lovely recipe from BestRecipes -

 And pork schnitzel with fried potatoes and salad, served with apple sauce!

And tonight - my darling husband cooked his famous Thai Green Curry with pilaf rice!!!!! Yummmmmmm

Thursday 15 March 2012

Salmon dinner

Just a quickie - made a lovely dinner tonight...

Dakkah encrusted Salmon with crunchy roast potatoes and Asparagus.

And it was pretty simple to make:

I pan fried the salmon on a med-low heat in some olive oil, added Dakkah to the top and at regular intervals scooped some of the olive oil onto the top. Then turned over and cooked for a few minutes until the dakkah was crispy.  Roasted the potatoes in olive oil, salt and pepper, and paprika - and at regular intervals gave them a stir to get the olive oil working through (result = crispy potatoes). Steamed the asparagus, then when they were almost done I threw them in the frypan for extra flavour (and naughtiness).



I am not really into "processed foods" and prefer to feed my family fresh and healthy meals.  We don't really keep much junk food in the house - besides the odd bar of chocolate (my weakness) and bowl of ice cream in the freezer.

So when it came to feeding my babies, I knew I wanted to make their food rather than rely on tins and jars.  Don't get me wrong, I keep a couple of the squeezable Organic baby foods in the pantry "In case of Emergency", but generally, my 6 month old boy eats food that I have cooked for him. And my daughter snacks on things like yoghurt, fruit, sultanas, and healthy biscuits.  Don't worry, I am not a food Nazi and she does have "sometimes foods", sometimes.

So what does my son usually eat?

Today for breakfast he had some wholegrain baby cereal with some pureed peach.

For lunch - some mashed avocado and banana.

And for dinner, some sweet potato, carrot and apple puree.

This afternoon I cooked up a large batch of food for the freezer.  I usually spend about an hour every fortnight making enough food to last him a few weeks. I store them in small BPA-free containers that I have collected from various places over the years!

I steamed some veggies (Sweet potato, carrot, zucchini, broccoli, and pumpkin).

Then cut up and steamed some fruit - pear and apple.

Put different combinations together, for a bit of variety (and so he is not having the same thing every day!)

Gave it a bit of a whirl in the Braun

And then poured it into baby food freezer trays

And some small freezer containers (these ones are the Heinz freezer containers with the soft base for easy removal - and a bargain at only $10 for 4!)

And ended up with quite a variety of different combinations, like: Apple, Pear, and Cinnamon,\; Sweet potato, Carrot, and Apple; Zucchini, Carrot and Pumpkin; etc.

And now the boy has adequate food to last a few weeks.  Sometimes I mix the veggies with something else to spice things up - like Organic Quinoa Flakes, or rice cereal.

I love being organised!

Feeding my Tribe - an introduction.

Welcome to my blog - FEED THE TRIBE!

When we built our family home, I wasn't too fussy, I have to admit - well, except when it came to choosing our kitchen. I spend a large proportion of my day in the kitchen and knew I wanted certain things, like a freestanding 5 burner gas stove top, a large oven, big pantry, stone benches, a dishwasher, and a glass splashback (for easy cleaning).

I love cooking. I enjoy preparing food, teaching my daughter how to cook, letting her experiment with food. I love the look on the faces of my family when they enjoy the taste of what I have made them for dinner! I love discovering new recipes, new and fresh ingredients.

Food is, and always has been, a large focus of my family life - for my immediate and extended family.

So this blog is pretty much just a way for me to talk about food. How I prepare it for my family, what little tips I have come across, recipes, and of course the odd random post about nothing relating to food! Ha!

My husband and I love eating (and cooking).  My 3 year old daughter has quite a sophisticated palette for someone of her age (her favourite food is olives and salad, and is partial to the odd pickle). My baby boy has only just begun solids and is loving it.

So, my first blog entry will be about the preparation of his food.... pureed baby food!

Happy reading!